


Nakanomura Dedicated to God

This area is believed to have been where priests made ritual objects used in festivals and political ceremonies held in the Northern Inner Enclosure, the most important place in Yoshinogari. People probably brewed alcohol, raised silkworms and weaved here. It is also believed that priests lived near here although the sites have not remained.

Nakanomura's photo

Silkworm Raising

Silkworm Raising1's photo

Silkworm Raising2's photo

Silkworms were probably raised for special silk clothes used in festivals, and as offerings and national gifts to China.

Spinning and Weaving

Spinning and Weaving1's photo

Spinning and Weaving2's photo

Silk taken from cocoons becomes stronger and more beautiful when two or three strands are woven together. Spinning techniques are supposed to have been introduced from China, and made rapid progress with spinning implements. This picture shows weaving with the latest tool of the time.


Brewing1's photo

Brewing2's photo

In those days, liquor was considered a special offering to ancestral spirits and was served only on special occasions, such as important gatherings and festivals. It is believed that women chewed steamed rice, mixing it with enough saliva that when put into a pot, it fermented naturally.

Ceremonial Bowls

Ceremonial Bowls1's photo

Ceremonial Bowls2's photo

It is believed that these bowls and tools were used in ceremonies and festivals in the Northern Inner Enclosure because they differ from those used daily by average people in their careful construction and quality materials. This picture shows people are making beautiful wooden bowls with equivalents of a todays steel knife and plane.