


Kuratoichi's photo
Kuratoichi2's photo

This area is believed to have been Yoshinogari's commercial center, featuring a large market and storehouses for trade goods. The reasons are that the structure is very similar to ancient clay drawings of Chinese market; there used to be a big river nearby which a boat, an important means for transportation, could travel; and this whole area was completely surrounded with moats.

kuratoichi map's photo

Location of Transactions of Daily Commodity

This is believed to be where people from every village traded daily necessities.

Location of Transactions of Valuables

This place is believed to be where valuables from overseas and other areas of Japan were traded.

Residence of the Market Workers

It is assumed these used to be storehouses to keep commodities and the residences of the lower caste who watched the storehouses and market.

Place of Judgment

This is thought to have been the place where the slave class, called Seiko, was exchanged and trails were held.

Market Center

Market Center's photo

It is believed that a watchtower, the central building in Kura to Ichi, and storehouses which kept goods brought from domestic and foreign areas were located here. In addition, the residence of the market overseer called Ichiosa seems to have been here.

Place of Festival

Various festivals are supposed to have been held in front of the prayer hall where people prayed to the souls of ancestors. Also, people threshed in one corner of this area.

Big Storehouse of the "Nation-state"

This is thought to have been a special place where military and important tactical materials were stored. So it is believed because a big ditch surrounded the area, and soldiers continuously guarded the doorway.

Storehouse for Crop

This is located near the south gate leading to Kura to Ichi area from the Southern Inner Enclosure. A watchtower used as an enemy lookout post and storehouses to keep unhulled rice for the following year, are thought to have existed here.