Yoshinogari Keitai-Guide

Faces of the Yayoi People




Up until now, human bones unearthed at various sites show that there were two types of face in the Yayoi period. One type is oval and the other rectangular. The oval type is associated with tall stature, and has the same features as those of skeletons excavated in the basin of the Yellow River in China and on the Korean Peninsula. The rectangular type has the same shape as that of skeletons of Jomon period people, who were of smaller stature. The skeletons excavated from the burial jars at the Yoshinogari ruins have the features of the tall, oval-faced skeletons of incomers to Japan. The skeletons of the incomer lineage may display the same features as the new Mongoloid people living in China and the Korean Peninsula. That is to say, the eyes are long-slitted with single folds, the nose is slender, and the lips are thin. The face of this doll is based on the features of the Yayoi period incomers.

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